Participate in the West Plains Community Survey

developed by the WPWC Health Committee

Why this survey: The purpose of this survey is to learn more about the effects of PFAS on health and lifestyle from your own perspectives, not from those of the news reporters or politicians. We need your input so we can help our own community understand and meet its needs. The results will be published widely, to attract attention and funding for local solutions.

Who should participate: People who live in the West Plains area and are concerned about PFAS and contaminated well water.

Participation is completely voluntary. You do not have to answer every question.  The online survey will take about 15-20 minutes of your time.

We protect your privacy.  Your answers are completely anonymous—we won’t even be able to send you the results personally, because we won’t know who you are.  In all the Coalition’s activities, we share no personal data with outside organizations.  We gather no medical information, social security numbers, bank card, or real estate data.

To participate: Start Survey

Unsure? We are available to answer questions you may have about the survey. Please reach out if you are on the fence or have any trouble with computer access.  EMAIL:

What we do: The volunteer Health Committee of the West Plains Water Coalition develops health education information and projects as health research becomes available, to help community members become more informed and pro-active about their health regarding water quality and our current PFAS situation. It informs WPWC board members of our work, allowing WPWC to increase community education, to inform policy leaders of the types of support community members need, and to develop future projects that help all of us.

About us: The Health Committee of the West Plains Water Coalition is made up of volunteers with interests and background in the environment and community health.  We are two doctors with degrees in public health, a nurse with years of experience in patient care and health research, a healthcare technology executive working on better health initiatives, and a non-profit expert with a background in health and behaviors. We were spurred to action because we live or have involvement in the West Plains area, believe in “the fair protection from environmental and health hazards, as well as equal access to the decision-making processes behind environmental policies and development” ( and we also have and/or know people who have contaminated wells from PFAS.

West Plains Water Coalition Community Survey

Welcome to the West Plains Water Coalition Community Survey.

The goal of this survey is to gather information about the issues our community has encountered due to PFAS.

Participation is completely voluntary. You do not have to answer every question.

Individual responses will be kept anonymous. Survey results will help the WPWC better understand the community’s lived experience of the PFAS problem and to identify where the community needs help.